Ok, so some time ago I talked about books and reading and bookcases. I would like to retouch on that topic simply because I found this picture. I had said I wanted to buy a cute bookcase to shelve all of my books I have bought or received over the years. Usually when I am interested in reading a certain book I try and purchase it rather than borrowing it from a friend of the library, because like I said, one day I want a bookcase with all my books on it.
Speaking of books and reading. Today I was a seventh grade reading teacher. I had brought my textbooks with me to being studying {since I have all my midterms next week, yuck} but instead I was so intrigued by all the books she had on her bookcase. Yes most of the books are intended for middle schoolers, and there were even a few on the shelf I myself had read back in the day. Then I came across this book I had remembered hearing about last May when I was subbing at the middle school. At the time it was THE book to read. It called Star Girl.
So now first period has begun, I have given the kids their assignment and they are quietly working. I became lost in this book, before I knew it each class was flashing by. Star girl just wanted to be who she was, she didn't want to fit in like everyone else. She didn't even notice that she was "different" from "everyone". Leo fell in love with who she was a star girl... blah blah blah... I could go on and on about what happened. Anyways I couldn't put the book down and I finished it by last period. Yes it was only 180 pages. But I enjoyed my day!
AND lastly, I have decided to follow the crowd and begin the Twilight series. I refuse to see any of the movies before I read the books. A good friend started the first one on a whim, couldn't put it down and now a week later she is moving onto the third book. I am pretty excited about it.... i will let you know how it goes.
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