I know I know, I have really been slacking lately when it comes to blogging. I signed on today with my intentions of sharing the adventures of kitty (myself), because sometimes I think my life would make a pretty funny reality show.
For example, last Friday I went to pick up a new pair of glasses, I got lost trying to find the high way when I realized my gas light was on. By the time I found a gas station I was pretty much all out of gas and all I had on me was my bank card. I saw a sign that they accepted Visa, so I was in the clear. I asked for five dollars regular, and the man who barely spoke english complied. Once he was done pumping the gas I handed him my card, he then began shaking hid head and tried explaining that there was a fifteen dollar minimum for cards and that It's ok, he would just put ten more dollars of gas in. Embarrassed, I tried explaining that that wasn't possible, since I only had seven dollars in my account, and that I would be getting paid the next morning. Lets just say he was not happy, and I had no cash on me. He told me to wait while he continued to help the rest of the customers. I felt foolish just sitting there, I started to become paranoid as I noticed other customers shooting me glances through their windows. After what felt like an eternity {but really was like fifteen minutes} he told me I was free to go. Free to go? Just like that? Why the hell did he make me sit and suffer? Did he know I would over think the situation and stress myself out by being paranoid? WHAT? Unsure of what really just happened I pulled out of the privately owned gas station in search for the highway. About thirty seconds into driving down the road, I see a sign for the highway {finally} and a mobil gas station {where it is totally acceptable to put five dollars of gas on a debit card} fml.